July 2021
Dear member,
We would like to take a moment to update you on our resorts and destination for those of you with upcoming reservations; we look forward to welcoming you home to Cabo! In June 2021, Los Cabos has seen an adjustment to our state’s alert level for COVID-19. We at Solmar Resorts, monitor the situation closely to be able to provide feedback to our members. There are a few key points members with upcoming travel reservations should keep in mind to make your visit stress free and enjoyable
1. Know and monitor the official sources. Rumors swirl on social media, and you have to know the official channels in order to have the knowledge needed to make quality decisions. All Solmar Resorts are currently open and accepting reservations, which is inline with the rules and guidelines in place. In the current level, the destination is open all activities, restaurants and bars are functional with safety guidelines in place.
Please read the most recent updates at: https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/english/
2. Always contact Member Services, who have current information to help make booking and planning easier. Please feel free to write at memberservices@solmar.com.
3. Since the beginning of the pandemic the destination and health authorities have taken steps to ensure the health and safety of travelers and employees alike.
· Facemasks are mandatory for employees at all resorts
· In Mexico visitors are asked to wear masks in common areas like lobbies, waiting areas at restaurants or spas etc. regardless of their vaccination status.
· The testing requirement to return to the US is also regardless of vaccination status per the CDC.
We thank you for your patience and continued patronage. We are all looking forward to welcoming you to your home resort soon and enjoying Los Cabos and Solmar Resorts!
Thank you and please contact us directly if you have questions about an upcoming reservation or plans!
Member Services