Dear Member,
Below please find frequently asked questions regarding the transition of our financial and billing services agency. If you have any question that is not on this document, please reach out to the Solmar Call Center.
Q: Do I need to call Trinity to check the status of my last payment?
A: No. To avoid any confusion, please do not contact Trinity for any payment status. ResortCom International will send an updated statement with your latest balance once they begin operations.
Q: What will happen with any payments sent to Trinity?
A: All payments sent to Trinity before and during the transition period will be honored and applied to your new account at ResortCom International.
Q: Where can I find my online statement?
A: Once all accounts have been transferred to ResortCom, a new website (https://member.ResortCom.com/Home/Login) will be enabled for all Solmar members. After you have registered, statements will be available for future reference.
Q: Can I use my old account to log in?
A: No. Your account number will change. Check your new maintenance fee statement to update your information.
Q: When will ResortCom International begin operations?
A: Once all the data from Trinity has been transferred to ResortCom and validated.
Q: How will I know when ResortCom is open for business?
A: Solmar Resorts will keep you up to date on the progress of the transition and let you know when ResortCom is ready to provide full service.
Q: When will I receive my 2022 maintenance fee statement?
A: You will receive a notification via email specifying the approximate date your maintenance fee invoice will be sent to your mailing address.
Q: Has the 2022 maintenance fee due date been extended?
A: Yes, the maintenance fee invoice’s new due date is April 1, 2022. No late charges will be applied before the new due date.
Q: To which company should I make my 2022 maintenance fee payment?
A: ResortCom International is the new billing and servicing agency in charge of collecting maintenance fee and loan payments. Look for new billing information and payment instructions in your next statement.
Q: What if I had an automated loan payment set up with Trinity?
A: For your own security, no credit card information will be transferred from Trinity to ResortCom. Once ResortCom is open for business, you will be able to log in and add your credit card information. You may also call ResortCom directly for assistance with future automated payments.
Q: Will I be responsible for loan payments that were not collected due to the transition?
A: Solmar will not assess any late fees on current accounts due in January and February 2022. All active loans will resume normal billing in March 2022. You will be contacted by ResortCom for payment instructions.
Q: Who will assist me if I need to request an Owner Transfer or membership name removal?
A: Once accounts have been transitioned to ResortCom, the company will handle all inquiries for owner transfers, as well as name additions or removals.
Q: Who should I contact regarding the status of an owner transfer that I previously requested through Trinity?
A: ResortCom. However, you may need to wait until all accounts have been transitioned and you receive contact information from the ResortCom Member Services Administration department.
Q: Is the Call Center operating?
A: On January 3rd, 2022, our on-site member services team began assisting members with all reservation requests, as well as pre-arrival services.
Q: What is the new contact information for the Call Center?
A: Please update your contact information with the following numbers and hours of operations for the Solmar Hotels & Resorts Call Center:
- Reservations: (+1) 877-244-6926.
- For Pre-arrival Services please call at (+1) 877-245-6973 or email: mealplan@solmar.com
> Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time Zone
Q: I booked my reservation through Trinity. Should I contact the Solmar Call Center to rebook it?
A: No. All reservations processed by Trinity will remain in place, as they were registered directly through the Solmar Reservations System.
Q: Internal Banking
A: The due date for 2021 internal banking expired on December 31, 2021. However, due to the transition to the new Solmar Call Center, the due date has been extended to March 31, 2022. Important: This extension applies only to internal banking related to year of use 2021.
Q: Who should I call to request internal banking?
A: Please contact the new Call Center: (+1) 877-244-6926.
Q: Can I use my fixed week if I have not paid the maintenance fee due to the delayed billing?
A: Yes, Fixed Members Reservations will be honored if the payments were up to date the previous use year. Fixed Members will be allowed to check-in at their corresponding resort. After the new due date for maintenance fee payments, all reservations must be paid to have the right of use.
Q: Who do I contact to deposit my floating or fixed week through my exchange company? Can I do it if I have not paid the 2022 Maintenance Fee?
A: Yes. You can exchange your 2022 and 2023 week through your exchange company prior to receiving the new maintenance fee invoice on April 1, 2022. After April 1, all exchange requests must have current maintenance fees.
For deposits with your exchange company, please follow these instructions:
- RCI: Make your deposit request via email to rcideposits@solmar.com or click here.
- Interval International: Make your deposit request via email to iideposits@solmar.com or click here.
- Third Home: Floating members must request a reservation deposit by calling the new Call Center number: (+1) 877-244-6926
Q: Who do I contact to request an Internal Exchange for my fixed week:
A: Please call the Fixed Member dedicated number: (+1) 877-244-6926 or email: fixedmembers@solmar.com
Q: Is it possible for a guest to use my fixed reservation if I have not paid the maintenance fee? Is there a form?
A: Yes. Guests of members will be honored if a reservation is pending. Once the membership accounts have been billed with the new invoices, all reservations must be up to date on dues. Click here for a Guest Registration Form.
Q: How do I purchase a Meal Plan package?
A: Please contact us for Pre-arrival Services at (+1) 877-245-6973 or email: mealplan@solmar.com
Hours of Operations: Monday-Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm PST.
Q: If I purchased a meal plan package through Trinity but need to modify or cancel, who should I contact?
A: Please contact the new Call Center, or email your request to: mealplan@solmar.com
Q: What is the best way to contact the Sales Department?
A: The Sales Customer Care Department has a new phone number and email:
USA: 310-341-3412
E-mail: sales@solmar.com